A great way to increase your profit is by tailoring communication towards families who have registered their student but not received any donations. Using the "Registered, No Pledge" report, you can see all the families who fall into this category and write up an email to them using the template below.
HERE is a guide showing you how to go about this!
From: PTA/O or Organization Name
To: School Parents/Guardians
Hello [SCHOOL NAME] Families,
Thank you so much for registering your student on mybooster.com! We’re only [NUMBER OF DAYS] from our event and we’re well on our way to raising [SCHOOL GOAL] for [WHAT YOU’RE RAISING FUNDS FOR].
How can you help?
- Share your student’s donation page with family and friends via email, facebook, or text right through MyBooster.com! Check out this DEMO to see how!
- Make a donation, if you are able.
Thank you for all your support!