Ring ring! It’s your fundraiser calling! Phone blasts, or “robo-calls”, is another way to remind families about the fundraiser.
- (SCHOOL NAME) families! This is (SCHOOL LEADER NAME). I wanted to let you know about the (FUNDRAISER NAME) that is kicking off on (DATE DONATING OPENS)! Our goal is to raise (FUNDRAISING GOAL) for (WHAT YOU’RE RAISING FUNDS FOR). Donating [is open on MYBOOSTER.com OR opens on DATE]. Register at MYBOOSTER.COM, SHARE your student’s pledge page, & GIVE! If this is not the right time to financially give, we completely understand. Sharing about our fundraiser online IS supporting our fundraiser. Save the date! The (EVENT NAME) is on (DATE)! Come cheer on your student! We are grateful for our (SCHOOL NAME) family! Thank you for your support this year. Go (MASCOT)!
- Parents and Families, we kicked off the (FUNDRAISER NAME) on [date of kickoff]. This year, we’re raising funds for (WHAT YOU’RE RAISING FUNDS FOR), and we need your help! Make sure to register your student on MYBOOSTER.COM by searching for our (SCHOOL NAME). Then, you can gather donations by sharing MYBOOSTER.COM using easy Share Features. Thanks for helping us make (SCHOOL NAME) even better! Go (MASCOT)!
- Parents and Families, the (EVENT NAME) Celebration Event is [tomorrow/date]! Make sure to support our school by sharing on MYBOOSTER.com or giving if you are able! We are nearing our fundraising goal but still need your help to keep the momentum going. We can’t wait to celebrate your students and cheer them on at the (EVENT NAME)!
- (SCHOOL NAME) families! Thank you SO much for supporting (SCHOOL NAME) in our (EVENT NAME). We raised (SCHOOL PROFIT) for (WHAT YOU’RE RAISING FUNDS FOR)! We couldn't have done it without you are your support. Go (MASCOT)!